Anticorruption - Reading Research: Books, Reports, Surveys, Articles.
As of March 2024
Frank Vogl serves as an adjunct lecturer as he teaches a course on 'Corruption, Conflict and Security' at Georgetown University in Washington DC, USA. A selection of reports of interest for students and professionals alike include the following (in the event that there is difficulty in downloading any of the linked documents, then please contact Frank Vogl at
2021 started with the enactment in the United States of “The Corporate Transparency Act,” which is the landmark ant-money-laundering/beneficial ownership law. It can be found entrenched in the National Defense Authorization Act — see Section 6401, Title LXIV). This resulted in the U.S. Treasury Department finalizing beneficial ownership regulations at the start of 2024, while also preparing new regulations against money laundering related to the real estate and investment advisory industries - more on money-laundering in the section on the topic below. 2024 also started with President Biden signing into law the Foreign Extortion Prevention Act.
Dirty Entanglements: Corruption, Crime, and Terrorism by Louise Shelley, (2014 - Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Corruption, Contention, and Reform: The Power of Deep Democratization by Michael Johnston (2014 - Cambridge, 2014).
Understanding Corruption- How Corruption Works in Practice by Robert Barrington, Elizabeth David-Barrett, Sam Power and Don Hough (faculty University of Sussex) published by AGENDA, 2022.
Very Bad People - The inside story of the fight against the world’s network of corruption by Patrick Alley, a founder of Global Witness, published byMonjoray, 2022.
Invisible Trillions - How financial secrecy is imperiling capitalism and democracy - and the way to renew our broken system by Raymond W. Baker, founder of Global Financial Integrity, published by Barrett-Koehler, 2023.
FINANCIAL EXPOSURE -Carl Levin’s Senate Investigations Into Finance and Tax Abuse - by Elise J. Bean, published by Palgrave Macmillan2018.
Citizens Against Corruption – Report from the Front Line by Pierre Landell-Mills (2013, PTF/Matador)
Supporting Nonviolent Action and Movements - A Guide for International Actors - by Shaazka Beyerle, published by the United States Institute of Peace Press, 2023.
Global Corruption: Money, Power and Ethics in the Modern World by Laurence Cockcroft (2012- University of Pennsylvania Press)
Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform, by Susan Rose-Ackerman and Bonnie J. Palifka, Cambridge University Press.
and by Frank Vogl - THE ENABLERS - 2021 - publisher: Roman & Littlefield
More books and Key Essays —-
The Quest for Good Governance - How Societies Develop Control of Corruption, by Alina Munglu-Pippidi, Cambridge University Press.
Analysing Corruption: An Introduction, by Dan Hough (Agenda UK & Columbia University Press, 20`17).
Dark Commerce: How A New Illicit Economy Is Threatening Our Future by Louise I. Shelley (2018 - Princeton University Press)
Corruption, Global Security, and World Order edited by Robert Rotberg (2009, Brookings)
Unmasked - Corruption in the West by Laurence Cockcroft and Anne-Christine Wegener (I.B. Taurus, 2016)
Waging War on Corruption - Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power by Frank Vogl (Roman & Littlefield, updated paperback edition 2016)
Essay by Laura Underkuffler, J. DuPratt White Professor of Law, Cornell University Law School – Chapter Two in Corruption, Global Security, and World Order (2009, Brookings), edited by Robert I Rotberg.
Bribes: The Intellectual History of a Moral Idea, by John Noonan (1984, Diane Publishing Company).
“The Mueller Report” - 2019, US Special Counsel.
“Against Corruption: A collection of essays,” Prime Minister’s Office, May 12, 2016 (published at the time of the London anti-corruption summit).
“Authoritarian Weaknesses and the Pandemic, “ by Thomas Carothers and David Wong, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, August 11, 2020.
Global Corruption - an introduction, Frank Vogl, The Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (the full text can be provided by the author upon request).
Corruption is one of the gravest threats to human rights and to everything that the world community has understood over the last 70 years by these rights - The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Consolidated Country Ratins - February 2024.
OECD Convention Against Bribery and OECD Corruption website.
London Summit - Communique - May, 2016. And, Declaration. Final statements by the United States, by the United Kingdom, by Nigeria, and by Afghanistan.
2016 IMF anti-corruption framework. 2018 Final IMF Framework.
Summit for Democracy - Cohort on Anti-Corruption Cooperation.
Summit for Democracy - Cohort Illicit Finance and Kleptocracy.
White House Fact Sheet on Anti-Corruption, December 2023.
Lord Acton - Letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, April 5, 1887, published in Historical Essays and Studies, edited by J. N. Figgis and R. V. Laurence (London: Macmillan, 1907).
20 Years of Transparency International - Video Discussion
for general references to anticorruption information see the Partnership for Transparency Fund's project reports; Transparency International.
“Anonymous Companies” - FACT Coalition 2019 report, author David Luna.
OECD Secretary-General, March 28, 2018 - 2018 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum: Planet Integrity: Building a Fairer Society. OECD on governance.
On Combatting Corruption and Fostering Integrity, OECD, 2017
Corruption, Greed, Culture and the State - Professor Susan Rose-Ackermann.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Corruption - Professor Robert Klitgaard
Culture, Crime, Corruption and Conflict - George Mason University
Is The U.S. Giving Up On Supporting Democracy Abroad? - Thomas Carothers.
Can We Make Anticorruption Sustainable? - Delia Ferreira Rubio
U4 Reports - Anticorruption Commissions.
How Should We Combat Corruption? Lessons from Theory and Practice - Gillian Brock.
Civil Society Engagement and governance - PTF report 2019.
Authoritarianism and Corruption - Clay Fuller, AEI, 2019.
The New Clash of Civilizations — Senator Whitehouse/General Petraeus, Washington Post
Abigail Bellows: “Ten Ways Washington Can Combat Corruption,” published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2020, published January 2021.
Measuring Corruption - by Heinrich and Hodess.
Guide to institutions measuring corruption and/or governance.
International Corruption Defined - by Lawrence Lessig.
The CPA-Zicklin Index benchmarks the political disclosure and accountability policies and practices of leading U.S. public companies.
Public procurement - Open Contracting Partnership –“Why government contracting matters.”
Global Integrity data: Africa Integrity Indicators; U.S. state integrity investigations; country information from the Governance Data Alliance.
Colombia University Law School, Center for Public Integrity, U.S. state-by-state anti-corruption survey.
Global Integrity - Integrity & Anti-Coprruption.
Introducing/explaining the World Bank indicators by its authors.
Institute for Economics and Peace: Global Peace Index 2018. & 2019 report.
World Justice Project: Rule of Law Index 2019.
Freedom House: Democracy in Retreat - Freedom in the World 2019.
Freedom House: Freedom of the Press 21017.
Basel 2019 Anti-money laundering index
Corruption Barometer for Africa 2019
- Corruption Barometer Latin America and the Caribbean 2019
- Corruption Barometer Middle East and North Africa 2019
(also see money-laundering section below as well as several sections below on individual countries)
Sir Paul Collier on New Rules for Rebuilding a Broken Nation - his TED talk.
Commission on Fragile States 2018 - "Escaping the Fragility Trap."
April 2018 LSE-Oxford Commission on Fragile States report -
CIVICUS - Closing space for civil society - Overview 2018; and 2017 Annual Report.
Closing Space: Democracy and Human Rights - Carnegie.
Transparency International Defense & Security reports: Understanding the relationship between corruption and security: The Fifth Column; Addressing Corruption Threats in International Interventions; in fragile states - Mission Made Possible. And, TI Global Standards for Responsible Defence.
Terrorism - some U.S. Government cases/examples: Illicit Russia-Iran Oil Network Supporting the Assad Regime, Hizballah, and HAMAS, November 20, 2018. Also, Indictment of KASSIM TAJIDEEN – court documents of March 2017, U.S. Justice Department. And, also: US Department of Justice: “Lebanese Businessman Tied by Treasury Department to Hezbollah.”Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering Conspiracy in Furtherance of Violations of U.S. Sanctions,” December 6, 2018.
Peace and Corruption - Institute for Economics and Peace; and, the Global Terrorism Index 2017. And the Global Peace Index
Corruption Risks - UN Peacekeeping — TI-UK - 2019
Intl Narcotics Strategy/Vol2 Money Laundering - US State Dept. 2019
Kleptocratic Regimes and National Security - conference report published by TRACC - also see news updates from the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center at George Mason University.
“Introduction to the Compendium of Arms Trade Corruption,” World Peace Foundation.
SIPRI Year Book 2018 and SIPRI global arms spending data base.
Andrew Feinstein -Corruption Watch UK - Shadow World and other Arms Industry Investigations.
Integrity in State-building - OECD by Karen Hussman.
Case example - Bahrain & Security, article by Jodi Vittori, Carnegie Endowment, 2019.
OECD Wildlife and Corruption report 2018.
Published by Princeton University Press 2018
Corruption as an International Crime Against Humanity - Ilias Bantekis.
Human rights & corruption - PTF forum event.
Sextortion overview - also see website of the International Association of Women Judges.
BBC EYE ON AFRICA Sex for Grades: Undercover inside Nigerian and Ghanaian universities
PTF/UNA-NCA global forum on Sextortion - recorded event and background reports.
The Case for an International Anti-Corruption Court - Judge Wolf.
Fighting Grand Corruption: Challenges and Successes - Transparency International.
Report of the International Crime Hunters Alliance - 2012, World Bank.
Why Anti-Corruption Reforms Fail - Anna Persson, Bro Rothstein, Jan Teorell.
Anti-Corruption Agencies - Transparency International
Stimulating the Demand for Good Governance - Partnership for Transparency Fund
Women - Corruption - Insights from the Partnership for Transparency Fund - also see its project reports at PTF
Corruption and Education - Global Corruption report 2013
Fighting Corruption to Advance 21st Century Health Goals - BMC Medicine journal 2016.
Corruption in the Procurement of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment in China: The Incentives Facing Multinationals, Domestic Firms and Hospital Officials - Susan Rose Ackerman, Yale Law School, 2015.
Results Not Receipts - by Charles Kenny, Center for Global Development.
US State Department - International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 2018.
A Theory of Limits on Corruption - by M. S. Alam.
“Tillerson says goodbye to human rights diplomacy” – article by Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Ted Piccone, May 5, 2017.
CSOs Fighting for Integrity, Richard Holloway.
Civic Freedom Under Threat - COVID-19 - 2020 CIVICUS.
COVID-19 - response by the Partnership for Transparency Fund.
Many organizations have published on aspects of the 2020/2021 Covid-19 pandemic - excellent articles and web-panels, for example, can be found at the Center for International P{rivate Enterprise’s Anti-Corruption Center (CIPE).
Polypandemic -Munich Security Report Special Edition on Development, Fragility, and Conflict in the Era of Covid-19
Polarization in American politics - Professor James Thurber, Co-editor of "American Gridlock: The Sources, Character and Impact of Political Polarization," Cambridge.
Corruption in America - from Benjamin Franklin's Snuff Box to Citizens United --author Zephyr Teachout, Harvard.
Thomas Mann & Norman Ornstein - "Its Even Worse Than It Looks " Perseus Press.
Report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller (Redacted) - April 2019.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, 2018 - "Anti-Corruption & Public Integrity Act."
US - HR.1. ethics in government proposed legislation January 2019, and civil society endorsements.
Issue One “Dark Money Illuminated” - 2018 report, U.S. political cash.
See Center for Public Integrity reports - e.g. 2017 By the Numbers - Money and Politics.
See Center for Public Accountability reports - e.g. U.S. corporate engagement in politics.
Senator Bernie Sanders - Getting Money Out of Politics.
CREW - Court Complaint Regarding President Trump & the “Emoluments Clause.”
Canada TI real estate corruption report.
Turkey - U.S. case against Turkey’s Halbank.
Transparency International EU reports - e.g. INTEGRITY WATCH.
The Fight Against Corruption in Europe - GRECO- website - Council of Europe Convention on Corruption.
UK anti-money laundering reform law - Law Commission
National Crime Agency - risks UK
Council of Europe/GRECO - Malta 2019
Council of Europe paper on Malta corruption 2019.
Transparency International Report on “Golden Visas” 2018 and also other reports from TI Europe.
Reports by TI Ukraine.
Ukraine - 2014 in graphics/data - background article from The Economist.
Looting Ukraine - report from the Lagatum Institute, July 2014.
February 2019, Constitutional Court Ruling - Ukraine.
Privatbank/Ukraine - and U.S. real estate - Justice Department, August 6, 2020.
The Guardian, November 2020 - Nevalny Poisoning & EU Sanctions.
“Putin. Corruption. An independent white paper,” Moscow 2011, by V.Milov, B. Nemtsov, V. Ryzhkov, O. Shorina.
Countering Russian Kleptocracy and other reports from the Kleptocracy Initiative at the Hudson Institute.
Russia - Money Laundering Playbook.
How the U.S. Can Combat Russia's Kleptocracy, Anders Aslund, Atlantic Council.
Excellent books on corruption and Russia include:
- The late Professor Karen Dawisha’s landmark study – “Putin’s Kleptocracy – Who Owns Russia?” published in 2014 by Simon and Schuster.
- Putin’s People – “How The KGB Took Back Russia And Then Took On The West” by Catherine Belton, published in 2020 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- Also see the numerous studies by the Hudson Institute’s Kleptocracy Initiative, including: “How non-State Actors Export Kleptocratic Norms to the West,” by Ilya Zaslavsky, published in 2017.
- Another important perspective on this issue is featured in the official report of the UK’s parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee, titled “Russia” and published in July 2020.
- See also, the report by the Center for International and Strategic Studies, “THE KREMLIN PLAYBOOK 2: The Enablers,” project directors Heather A. Conley and Ruslan Stefanov and their co-authors, Donatienne Ruy and Martin Vladimirov. Published by Rowman and Littlefield, March 2019.
- and:
The Path from Market Economy to Kleptocracy
Anders Åslund - Yale University Press
* African Progress Panel 2013 report - an excellent analysis of causes of absolute poverty in the resource-rich countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
* A Decade of African Governance 2006-2015 - Report, Index (Mo Ibrahim Foundation) & Press Release
* African Barometer 2019
* African Barometer 2015 - a comprehensive survey of the impact of corruption on Africans.
* Corruption: Myths & Realities by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala at the Center for Global Development, June 2007.
* Return of the Blood Diamond - Global Witness updates its landmark investigations.
* The Resource Curse - an analysis of the real costs of extractives.
*South Sudan - Report 2020 by The Sentry and Press Conference by Geoge Clooney.
* Mozambique - US Justice brings corruption charges in 2019.
*South Africa - “State of Capture”
* Congo - report by the Sentry. Also see editorial in The Economist.
* “All The President’s Wealth – The Kabila Family Business,” report, July 2017.
* Egypt: Background and US Relations - US Congressional Research Service.
* Nigeria - Sarah Chayes of the Carnegie Endowment analyzes corruption and security – also see Boko Haram.
* Africa Between Hope and Despair - by David Piling, Financial Times, 2016.
*Genocide - Review of the 2016 book by professor Scott Straus.
What We Need to Learn: Hard Lessons from 20 Years of Afghan Reconstruction - SIGAR, August 2021.
Iraq - hard Lessons from reconstruction experience - the 2009 report from the US Special Inspector General.
“Afghanistan’s Illicit Networks,” report from the Atlantic Council, July 2020 – by Harris Samad and Fatima Salman.
Afghanistan - April 2016 speech by the Special US Inspector General.
Afghanistan - Testimony to the US Congress by the Special inspector General, April 2016.
US Special Inspector General's 1st Quarter 2016 Afghan report, and its April 2018 special report on the World Bank and Afghanistan; and website.
Corruption in Conflict: Lessons Learned from the U.S. Experience in Afghanistan - a report from the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan, September 2016.
Culture, Corruption, Crime, and Conflict - Eric B. Johnson, Transnational Crime and Corruption, George Mason University.
SIGAR - updates on Afghanistan corruption.
July 2019 SIGAR quarterly report.
Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, regular reports, MEC Afghanistan.
UNODC 2018 Afghan Opium Survey - Also: U.S. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, Volume I, Drug and Chemical Control. March 2018. Also, May 2019 CSIS report And, also a 2016 study from the Brookings Institution
Transparency International, Defence & Security, report: “Corruption Risks and UN Peace Operations,” July 2019.
Some key books that provide context and detail on the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan and the key issues of governance and corruption include: “Directorate S – The CIA and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” by Steve Coll, Penguin Press, Carlotta Gall - “The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001-2014;” Joshua Partlow’s “A Kingdom of Their Own – The Family Karzai And The Afghan Disaster;” and, Sarah Chayes’s “Thieves of State – Why Corruption Threatens Global Security.”
PTF's CARTA Program for monitoring development in Nepal and Bangladesh. Also, see CARTA web.
Citizens Against Corruption - India - PTF.
“Xi Jinping: The Backlash,” By Richard McGregor, Penguin Specials/Lowy Institute 2019
*See annual corruption survey and annual Afghan survey, as well as other anti-corruption research at The Asia Foundation.
Understanding President XI's anti-corruption drive in China - The Conversation.
Prof. Andrew Wederman -Congress - China corruption. Also, “Five Years of Hunting Tigers and Flies,” by Professor Andrew Wedeman.
Perspectives on corruption in Bangladesh - see TI reports.
Malaysia's 1MDB scandal - the U.S. Justice Department's case.
see more on Malaysia and 1MDB under money-laundering below.
Middle East & OIL + Natural Resources
* 2016 Middle East Barometer - Transparency international.
* The Natural Resource Governance Institute: The Resource Curse. - also see the 2017 INDEX.
* "Blood Oil" - book review.
* Saudi Oil - A Financial Times analysis 2016.
* The Political economy of Natural Resources - Paul Collier.
*The oil corporate data base April 2019 NRGI.
*Global Witness report - finding the missing millions.
*Rijkers, Freund and Nucifora, March 2014 – “All in the Family State Capture in Tunisia,”
*The Publish What You Pay campaigning organization.
*PWP - Decries SEC ruling on extractives transparency (1504) - December 16, 2020.
*EIA - The Environmental Investigation Agency - Exposing bad actors/forestry.
* Money Logging – On The Trail of the Asian Timber Mafia, by Lukas Straumann, Bergli Books, 2014.
*Global Witness - ENI -Shell case. - update July 22, 2020. Original investigation on May 20, 2012.
Latin America
Guatemala Report - Center for American Progress - a case study on promoting the prosecution of corruption crimes in a very difficult environment.
The International Commission - Guatemala - an analysis of what has been achieved by the International Crisis Group.
CCIG Commission closes - WOLA looks at its 10-year record.
When Corruption is the Operating System: The Case of Honduras - Sarah Chayes.
How the Odebrecht scandal has shaken Latin America - an FDI report.
The U.S. Department's case against Odebrecht.
The Trial of former Peruvian president Fujimori.
Latin America Under New Management - report from The Financial Times.
video - Brazil's Judge Moro at the Wilson Center's Brazil Institute, July 2016.
Argentina’s Reform Challenges – CSIS reports.
Mexico’s Corruption Crisis – The Wilson Center.
Anti-Money Laundering, Banking, Real Estate
2020 Corruption Transparency Act approved by U.S. Congress - landmark beneficial ownership law. FACT Coalition report and links.
UK Government - National risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing 2020.
Illicit Financial Flows - report from Global Financial Integrity.
Financial Action Task Force - Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing.
UK Sanctions Policy - UK Parliament report 2019
ICIJ/Buzzfeed - the FincCen Files, 2020.
Real estate 2018 conference report - TRAC/George Mason
Corporate crime gap - Corruption Watch UK 2019
Panama Papers - charges from US Justice December 2018.
ICIJ - Panama Papers and Paradise Papers.
Proposed U.S. legislation 2017/2018 - The FACT Coalition
Asset recovery U.S. proposed bill 2019
Art Market Corruption and Sanctions - US Senate Sub-Committee on Investigations, 2020.
“To Catch a Kleptocrat” - French cases, NED report 2019
The Costs of Luxury - Global Witness.
TI overview report on Integrity in Banks.
Global Wealth report 2019 - Boston Consulting Group
US Senate report on HSBC and money laundering and see at website the US Republican House Financial Services report on "Too Big to Jail."
Financial Transparency - Raymond Baker, GFI President.
*Eliminating Large Denomination $ and Euro notes - Peter Sands.
Keeping Foreign Corruption Out of the United States - 2010 Report from the US Senate's Committee on Investigations.
Tax Abuses and Human Rights - the International Bar Association.
Grave Secrecy - Global Witness.
Keeping Foreign Corruption Out of the United States - report by U.S. Senate committee and Opening Statement by Senator Carl Levin.
HSBC and Dirty Money - International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
HSBC - US charges December 2012 & US Senate investigation report
The Azerbaijani Laundromat by OCCCP.
1MDB Malaysia, US Justice charges, October 2018.
1MDB - the charges against Goldman, Sachs - US Justice October 22, 2020.
U.S. Justice et al final 1MDB settlement - October 22, 2020.
Goldman, Sachs settles with Malaysia, July 2020.
U.S. lifts sanctions on EN+ - January 27, 2019. New York Times - Deripaska and Sanctions - November 14, 2018. And, also: Politico, Rusal invests in Kentucky, August 2, 2019.
The US Treasury’s Oleg Deripaska letter of January 22, 2020 (The Financial Times, February 2020.)
Global Witness "Undercover" investigates lawyers in New York City - excerpts of this film were shown nationally in the United States on the CBS "60 Minutes" show.
Aaron Bornstein and Lester M. Salamon, The BOTA Foundation: A Model for the Safe Return of Stolen Assets. New York: East-West Management Institute, 2016. and-Aaron Bornstein and Lester M. Salamon, How to Apply PtP to Stolen or Stranded Assets. How-To Booklet No. 1, Philanthropication thru Privatization Project. New York and Baltimore: East-West Management Project, 2017.
Business and Economics
(also see articles above in security and money-laundering sections)
Center for International Private Enterprise - Strengthening Ethical Conduct and Business Integrity - Business Guide for Business in Emerging Markets (2020, CIPE).
European Investment Bank - Guidance note for EIB Standard on Stakeholder Engagement in the EIB Operations - (2020, EIB).
Transparency International, Exporting Corruption: Progress Report 2020.
The "Volcker Report" on the World Bank's anti-corruption performance, 2007.
Removing Impediments to Sustainable Development - by Augusto López Claros.
Frank Vogl CIVICUS 2017 essay on civil society, business and corruption
World Economic Forum - Building Foundations Against Corruption.
Shell Corporate Code of Conduct - see section 3 on corruption
The arms trade - video with Andrew Feinstein.
World Peace Foundation -arms trade
OECD report 2019
Deutsche Bank SEC Russia/China 2019.
Walmart pays bribes.
Law firm Sherman & Sterling settles Justice Depart Ukraine case.
Incentives Facing Multinationals, Domestic Firms and Hospital Officials,” Professor Susan Rose-Ackerman and Yinqui Tan, Yale Law School, 2015.
Helsinki Commission - US Foreign Extortion Prevention Act.
* Global Corruption Report -2016 - Transparency International.
* The US Department of Justice prosecutes FIFA. May 2015.
*and November 15 FIFA charges.
* OECD - Multistake Task Forces Established. Also see Europol.
U.S. Department of Justice, May 2015.
For topical articles on many of the above topics please see "blogs" on this website.